Tamara Suhr

Tamara Suhr

sculptures – sculptures for the wall

1968 born in Tübingen (D)
1989 – 1991 Study at the free art school Nürtingen
1992 – 1998 Studies at the University of the Arts in Bremen, Sculpture with Professor Bernd Altenstein
1998 – 1999 Master student with Professor Bernd Altenstein lives and works in Ludwigsburg (D)

Small and inconspicuous they come along, the people Tamara Suhr confronts us with in her works. As if they had quietly crept around the next corner, they stand there and look at us, blatantly direct, with big, innocent eyes, the eyes of a child. It almost seems as if they wanted to ask us to do something.

It is big feet that carry Tamara Suhr’s little figures and, once seen the other way around, prevent them from taking off. You could also put it this way: they have stayed on the ground.

In today’s society, from a very young age, importance is attached to functioning, playing and fulfilling one’s role and not stopping wanting to be better, faster and bigger, to be the “King”. In spite of all this imposed striving, however, these figures remain steadfast in the truest sense of the word. On the contrary: Tamara Suhr’s little people pause right there. They look at us and challenge us – to think.

Tamara Suhr exhibits in many galleries in Germany and Switzerland and takes part in art fairs.